The Influence of Motivation and Working Environment on Employees Productivity at Tribun Timur Makassar


  • Sugianto Irdawansyah Universitas Muslim Indonesia


Motivation, Working Environment, Productivity


This study aims to determine the significance of motivation and work environment on the productivity of the Tribun Timur Makasar employees in 2017. Data were obtained using questionnaires and other relevant research results related to this research object, which was the primary data of Tribun Timur Makasar. Data was then processed using the multiple regression method with SPSS 23 as the chosen statistics software. The research results indicate that the motivation and work environment variables significantly influence the productivity of the Tribun Timur Makasar employees, with a significance level below 0.1. Also, both variables have a partial and significant effect on the productivity of the Tribun Timur Makasar employees, as proven by the results of the T-test where the former independent variable attained a value of t-count 2.818 > 1.672 (t-table) and Sig 0.007 < 0.1. Meanwhile, the latter one attained value of t-count 3,352 > 1.672 (t-table) and Sig 0.001 < 0.1.


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How to Cite

Irdawansyah, S. (2021). The Influence of Motivation and Working Environment on Employees Productivity at Tribun Timur Makassar. Jurnal Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi Indonesia, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from